Wednesday, July 24, 2019


It is the start of 2019 thus much-energizing activities with bunches of guarantees are up. A year ago we saw the quick appropriation and acknowledgment of blockchain innovation and digital money which prompted the presentation of such huge numbers of remarkable activities having their very own coins and offering various types of administrations and answers for individuals the whole way across the globe with the utilization of blockchain innovation. As of late as I was experiencing the web and I ran over an astonishing thought, one I have never observed which I accept will influence the world in the best positive manner. I present to you SATURN.

The ascent of cryptographic money prompted the interest and ascent of trades which gives brokers the chance to trade their digital forms of money to different cryptographic forms of money and furthermore fiat. Despite the fact that there are heaps of digital currencies in presence, such a significant number of come up short on the capacity to have their record creation highlight continually opened. Despite the fact that there is an immense market which achieves trillions of dollars, the crypto market is as yet looked with certain issues like value control, siphon and dump ICO plans, cybercriminals, absence of value consistency, exchange deferrals and challenges, expanded capitalization, high hazard the executives plot, poor liquidation and optional needs. These issues which the crypto market faces come from an assortment of reasons which incorporates absence of digital currency understanding, newborn child nature of the market and some unconventional financial matters of cryptographic forms of money.

This issues which have since quite a while ago tormented the crypto market grabbed the eye of some high astute specialists who have a deep longing of giving answers for world testing issues and they concocted the Saturn splendid thought. With the Saturn though, clients are given multichoice and courses in winning with remunerations as they appreciate the Saturn stage. Saturn as an interesting thought offers clients arrangement by giving liquidity which makes it exceptionally simple for anybody to transform resources into money. Saturn is an atomic trade convention with which clients/merchants can with accommodation trade crypto resources legitimately, giving fundamental answers for all optional need issues by sending liquidity into a market with a low fluid level.

Saturn is basically a beneficial interaction of comfort and security of direct atomic trade of crypto-resources and unwavering quality of the outsider underwriter. Extra expenses are not charged by Saturn from organizations for liquidity conveying to existing markets and new markets on the stage. On the Saturn stage, there will benefit over the counter exchanges and a closeout which will permit holders with a high measure of advantages for understanding their benefits through the Saturn stage. There is greatest exchanging wellbeing the Saturn stage even to outsider making the Saturn stage riskless. Saturn additionally offers P2P trade administrations to financial specialists, organizations, dealers or representatives so as to help find new techniques with the development of the market which aids in liquidity increment, giving clients advantages of building up the stage together. Saturn uses blockchain innovation through stage liquidity tokens and with this XSAT (Saturn tokens) is utilized as an instalment token for exchanges and rewards. Saturn has an extraordinary vision to make a straightforward, sheltered, one of a kind and quick methods for exchanging the crypto world.

Saturn has some exceptional accomplices which incorporate SWAP ONLINE and BANCIBO.

Saturn as a remarkable thought has so many advantages which it offers to the world including;

• Reliability and straightforwardness

• Reduced hazard in examination with conventional trades.

• High-class security

• Reward framework for the creator and the referral program

• Saturn gives liquidity which makes it workable for anybody to go resources for money.

• Markets are isolated by the trade points of interest and exchange volumes.

• Due to Saturn identity of the product design, it's so quick as it grants blockchains of the traded resources and web association.

• There is no hazard required as it's been controlled so misfortunes won't be caused in the market stage.

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Authors walesodiya


Saturn Black is a digital currency trade stage that enables every client to have the option to trade molecules straightforwardly in crypto resources. The Saturn Black stage is based on the criteria of solace and validity, where merchants can trade their crypto resources with a wallet without an outsider.

Saturn Black has given liquidity by utilizing imaginative and customary monetary foundation: Atomic Licensed Broker Token Saturn (XSAT) Payment System Exchange of Crypto resources Through a blend of exchanging apparatuses the Saturn Black Service enables you to unreservedly change over +300 crypto advantages for cash.

How Blockchain Could Power a Decentralized Internet 

A decentralized web dependent on blockchain innovation would depend on a system of numerous PCs, instead of huge corporate servers. Every PC would go about as a hub, contributing force and memory to a conveyed stockpiling system framework. Thusly, the system would have no unified servers. To be sure, it would have no centre(s) by any means. Information couldn't be put away in storehouses. There would be no main issues to hack and no chance to get for a theocracy to assume responsibility for the data.

Blockchain innovation is engaging in light of the fact that it reacts to huge numbers of the worries about the incorporated web. It is more straightforward and less corruptible than the web we use today. A blockchain system incorporates a record of exchanges and shrewd contracts that can be executed consequently when certain conditions are met. Despite the fact that not basic, a blockchain system may likewise have a local coin or token that checks exchanges and information on the chain and bears casting a ballot or administration rights to organize members.

A focal bit of leeway of blockchain-based stages is they store individual information all around uniquely in contrast to the FAANGs. Information isn't held across PCs going about as "hubs" in a disseminated record organize. Rather than giving over close to home data, people keep up authority over who/what approaches their information. Rather than sharing our information individual information, over and over, each time we take part in an activity or communication on the web, there is one perpetual record on the blockchain. We can give organizations and different elements transitory authorization to get to this information when required. The blockchain viably acts like a ticketing framework, monitoring who gets access, without surrendering control of the information underneath. The structure gives people a chance to assume back responsibility for who/what approaches their information

Difficulties to Overcome 

In spite of its guarantee, blockchain innovation faces difficulties that could affect its take-up as a basic innovation for the web. One of these identifies with "interoperability." This alludes to the present failure of various blockchains to speak with one another and share information. Cryptographic money merchants know about this. It is the reason bitcoin can't be traded for Ethereum with utilizing an outsider trade or bit of programming. Until blockchains can communicate with one another legitimately, the standard utilization of the innovation will be constrained.

Another test is versatility. Indeed, even the most developed blockchains can just process a predetermined number of exchanges (for example 10–15 every second for Ethereum). Nonetheless, in a decentralized web, each web search tool search or web based life post would make a blockchain exchange. Far reaching use would increase the quantity of blockchain exchanges exponentially. The way things are, it would not be workable for any single blockchain system to control a worldwide web until preparing limit is inconceivably expanded.

Cross-Chain Technology 

From various perspectives, the test of interoperability and adaptability are interrelated. One answer for both is creating innovation to encourage communications between various blockchains, otherwise called "cross-chain" innovation. Cross-chain innovation takes into consideration interoperability by offering a stage that lets different blockchains communicate with each other, and basically work as a solitary chain. This addresses the issue of interoperability. Simultaneously, cross-chain could improve adaptability by utilizing the joined individual throughputs of existing blockchains.

One anticipate attempting to create cross-chain innovation is the EVEN Foundation, which is making the "EVEN Cross-Chain Interaction Network." The center motivation behind which is offering a framework for cross-chain connection by coordinating outer blockchains in a solitary stage. With such a stage, cross-chain exchanges could be overseen, including shrewd contracts on various blockchain systems. Indeed, even offers a few functionalities that make a framework for cross-chain collaboration.

Cross-Chain Consensus 

The EVEN Network has its own agreement calculation dependent on a half and half of different calculations. This convention potential makes it conceivable to perform moves and cross-chain trades.

Cross-Chain Smart Contracts 

Cross-chain shrewd contracts are a significant piece of interoperability, at any rate for the time being. These are keen gets that can cooperate with various blockchains, making it conceivable to move an incentive starting with one then onto the next without completing a swap or exchange. The EVEN stage will include a library of standard shrewd contract layouts for outer blockchain stages that can be utilized by means of the API.

Cross-Chain dApps 

Cross-chain framework could let decentralized applications sync with outsider blockchains, for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and EOS. Indeed, even's stage allows clients to create and run dApps utilizing a one of a kind programming improvement unit (SDK). The SDK incorporates a gathering of devices to manage different routine errands and make the way toward making a dApp faster. To grandstand this usefulness EVEN is creating two dApps of its own: a multi-cash crypto-wallet and a decentralized trade.

The dissemination of dApps and the capacity of client information inside the EVEN system depend on a "dStorage" framework. This is like a downpour organize where members give space to store and disseminate documents in return for a reward, while others download the information for nothing. Indeed, even will likewise offer a cloud administration for executing dApps called "dCloud" This is an administration for dApps that include countless clients as well as need a changeless system association.

Interoperability and Scalability 

Cross-chain dApps will be more versatile than those based on any single blockchain in view of their upgraded interoperability. Cross-chain dApps can collaborate with various blockchains so they can use speed from numerous chains upgrading versatility.

The Saturn group builds up a component for the trade in various ways: over-the-counter cross-advertise exchanging, an atomic trade showcase, an over-the-counter sale. To include crypto resources in return, the group will direct standard casting a ballot among network clients.

It is likewise intended to give help to new undertakings in giving a review and evaluation of the liquidity of an image when trade is accomplished.

Saturn is a beneficial interaction of accommodation and security of direct atomic trade of crypto-resources and unwavering quality of the outsider underwriter. Saturn's motivation is to make a subjectively new, fluid and safe over-the-counter market. Saturn dispatches Exchange and OTC exchanging Platform for Cryptocurrencies dependent on crosschain convention of trade Swap. The plans of the Saturn group to give of P2P trade administrations to dealers, speculators, organizations and specialists.

Saturn is giving a P2P trade administrations to dealers, speculators, organizations, and specialists and a chain of concentrates so as to help find new strategies inside the development of the crypto market and increment the liquidity of land so every client grows together with this stage, each undertaking will get a review and liquidity of the token adaptation, what the reason for what's to come is a piece of the technique available, so every component will move unction as network of crypto players and make new markets fluid and secure over-the-counter market.

Saturn's objective is that this stage makes an over-the-counter market that is subjectively new, fluid, and safe. Saturn propelled the Exchange and OTC exchanging stage for digital currency dependent on the Swap chain trade convention. The Saturn group additionally offers trade administrations for merchants, financial specialists, organizations and representatives.

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Authors walesodiya



Blockchain has rapidly turned into a trendy expression in every day discussion, and it's moving to perceive how far the innovation has moved toward becoming since bitcoin's introduction about 10 years prior. As business people and designers move to embrace blockchain, its capability to disturb marks far and wide turns out to be progressively self-evident, actually, blockchain is rising as a ground-breaking mechanical power that guarantees to change the lottery business' the norm.

There is an absence of straightforwardness in realizing which locales are protected, legit and reliable. With an expected 1.4 million phony sites being made each month, any fruitful online lottery website is in danger of being hacked. So can the blockchain innovation rehash the online lottery industry?

What is Saturn Black Platform about?

Saturn Black is a special digital money trade that enables clients to impact lead nuclear swap in their different Cryptocurrencies resources. You don't have to move your advantages starting with one wallet then onto the next and the hindrance of exchange charge is wiped out. Saturn Black Platform is an adjustment of all current Cryptocurrency Exchanges Platform in this way remedying a few provisos in the current Cryptocurrency trades. The Platform has been intended for the clients to encounter most extreme solace, security and benefit. Trading Cryptocurrency resources from wallet to wallet is another measurement in Crypto Exchanges. The issue of Centralization has for all time been arranged and clients, for this situation, have 100% authority over their advantages.


Straightforward TECHNOLOGY: Investors consistently appreciate straightforwardness in whatever speculation or Project they will submit their assets. Because of the stunning straightforwardness approach received by the group of Saturn Black Developers with their blockbusting nuclear swap convention for resource trades which will empower resource move from wallet to wallet independent of those resources having various chains.

WALLET TO WALLET: The fundamental innovation of Saturn Black make spaces for Security, accommodation and effectiveness. Because of the wallet to wallet arrangement of trade task in this Platform, financial specialists will feel verified. The need to store in Cryptocurrency Exchange before exchanging Crypto resources has been disposed of.

SECURITY: Since the hidden innovation of Saturn Black doesn't offer space to keeping Crypt resources for Exchange Wallet before exchanging, security is guaranteed. This likewise keeps clients from the dread of hacks and furthermore profiting by zero exchange expenses.
Investors or brokers can exchange their advantages at their own will even without being recorded. Tokens are trades without control, exchanges depend on P2P and no outsider obstruction.


SATURN OTC AUCTION: These highlights empower resource proprietors posting their computerized resources up for sale and the sold resources will be traded.

Nuclear TRADES: This is the P2P Exchange using nuclear swap convention in accomplishing the Saturn Black Exchange objective.

FIAT TRANSACTION EUR/USD: The highlights will be completely actualized. The trade will empower client trading their computerized resources in EUR/USD sets. Trading

Cryptographic money with a steady coin like USDT, GUSD will likewise be made conceivable.

SATURN TOKEN: which image is XSAT is the liquidity and citation resource inside the Saturn Platform. Later on, the Team of XSAT will make it a Collateral resource however this is still under audit.

Author: walesodiya
Eth Address: 0xd5138067078B32BA7800b399bC77C49deaA3f2f5

Monday, July 15, 2019


As the most popular and wildly used, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges have gathered a significant amount of influence over the years. The centralized exchanges control the power to make or break blockchain projects, and usually, they are the only businesses that remain lucrative regardless of the level of volatility and instability that the cryptocurrency markets experiences.

The massive wealth and influence that centralized exchanges posses have led to serious unethical acts of market manipulation and exploitation that emphasize exactly the reasons why decentralized exchanges are needed now more than ever.

A shocking information was brought to light by crypto Trader named Silvain Ribes, where he believes that far above $3 billion of all crypto assets’ volume are fabricated and unreal and that OKex, which is the number one exchange rated by volume is the main offender with up to 93% of its volume being fake.

In addition, another trader points out the disturbing fact that the NASDAQ stock exchange only charges below $200,000 for listing mega companies, while a lot of centralized crypto exchanges are trying to charge more than $500,000 in listing fees.

Cryptocurrency influencers and many other people all over the internet are beginning to share different bad stories about how centralized exchanges operates in the same corrupt manner as any regular centralized organizations that posses too much power and influence if they are left unchecked.

The massive wealth and influence that centralized exchanges posses have led to serious unethical acts of market manipulation and exploitation that emphasize exactly the reasons why decentralized exchanges are needed now more than ever.

A shocking information was brought to light by crypto Trader named Silvain Ribes, where he believes that far above $3 billion of all crypto assets’ volume are fabricated and unreal and that OKex, which is the number one exchange rated by volume is the main offender with up to 93% of its volume being fake.

In addition, another trader points out the disturbing fact that the NASDAQ stock exchange only charges below $200,000 for listing mega companies, while a lot of centralized crypto exchanges are trying to charge more than $500,000 in listing fees.

Cryptocurrency influencers and many other people all over the internet are beginning to share different bad stories about how centralized exchanges operates in the same corrupt manner as any regular centralized organizations that posses too much power and influence if they are left unchecked.

The Foundation's efforts aim to create new mechanisms that allow the use of cryptocurrency opportunities and develop efficient ways and means of dealing with those in need.
The main activity of the Foundation is to assist in the purchase of medical equipment and medicines for medical centers and hospitals around the world.
The foundation must be decentralized! Decentralized social projects and secure currencies are the key to a healthy future.
The funds of the Foundation can not be used for the purchase of weapons or propaganda. This foundation has one goal: Help children.
ISKRA is a real opportunity for our society to become a modern society with social responsibility. Almost half of the world's diamonds are processed in Israel. With ISKRA, you have the unique opportunity to invest in the most reliable financial instruments. The price of diamonds is more stable and even more resilient to catastrophes than the price of gold! ISKRA is not only an investment but also a bargain. Bargains you can not get if he has not joined the Lucem project. This means that small businesses and novice traders can join Elite Stockbroker Clubs. ISKRA does not just help children.This is also a viable investment vehicle to secure anonymous capital.
Building on blockchain technology and using smart contracts
ISKRA is one of the safest, most reliable and secure digital currencies of the future.
ISKRA has been designed as a cryptocurrency that will allow you to create a financial foundation for charitable foundations to help children around the world.
Based on estimates, we expect the value of ISKRA to continue to increase and believe that ISKRA is the ideal investment opportunity.
Lucem is a decentralized reserve to help children. The Reserve's primary concern is to buy and deliver therapeutic devices and recipes for children around the world. (Later, new activities can be carried out: wasted maintenance offices, desalination, green energy.) * The comprehensive review of reserves, all books, legal counsel, and coordination are provided by Lucem and ISKRA Designers.
Children need new methods to get help.
The Lucem team sees the need to make a difference
in solving social problems of children in need.
For charity we can and must use this
new technology.
Team Lucem was the first to see it
Opportunity to raise funds
the process of using digital technology.
Lucem the hope community
This foundation is a decentralized platform
where every user can suggest a project.
 You decide who helps.
Lucem uses the cryptocurrency for this purpose
Donate to charity.
Almost half of the world's diamonds are processed in Israel.
With ISKRA you have a unique investment opportunity
the most reliable financial instrument.
The price of diamonds is stable and even more resistant to catastrophes
from the gold price!
ISKRA is not only an investment but also a bargain.
Bargains that you can not get in the store if he has not joined
Light project.
This means that small businesses and beginners will get it
Elite Stock Brokerage Clubs beizutreten.
ISKRA does not just help children. This is also a profitable investment
a tool for storing anonymous capital.
We want ISKRA not only safe
but also profitable!
Price for disaster-resistant diamonds
and more stable than gold!
With ISKRA you always have the unique opportunity to trade it for diamonds, based on the Rapaport price list and the GIA certification.
And that means you always have pure prices without intermediaries: this saves between 10 and 50% of the diamonds.
Currently, only large companies on the stock exchange have the opportunity to trade with the Rapaport price list. This is a stockbroker.
Today this is our partner and the list will be extended to the whole world!
What makes ISKRA so special?
Building on blockchain technology and using smart contracts
ISKRA is one of the safest, most reliable and secure digital currencies of the future.
ISKRA has been designed as a cryptocurrency that will allow you to create a financial foundation for charitable foundations to help children around the world.
We estimate that the value of ISKRA will continue to increase.
We therefore believe that ISKRA is an ideal investment opportunity.

Token distribution

road map

Our team
  • Dimitry Odintsov
idea giver
He has been CEO of PT since 2006
IT Support Company "APC Computer"
Since 2013, he has been involved in consulting and integrating blockchain technology in the Middle East.
  • Michael Tulchinsky
Since 2005 he is a specialist in the IT sector
 Outsourcing and technical solutions for
 big business.
  • Mikhail Grinfeld
Software Engineer Advisor
Software engineers with more than
decades of experience in the development and construction of complex systems.
  • Georgy Laskov
Experienced qualified person (group release), certified quality inspector and authorized person for pharmacovigilance. Qualified in quality assurance, quality audit, cGMP, GDP, SOP
  • Julia Margulis
tax consultant
Julia has been the Chief Account Manager of a major distribution company for 6 years.
  • Anastasia Avdonchenkova
Lawyer adviser
Over 10 years of experience in dealing with financial property and large investments.
Specialization in civil law, corporate law, securities markets and financial transactions.
He is a member of the internal control and finance committees of the Board of Directors.
  • Yulia dvoryadkina
language consultant
Professional translators for Chinese, English and Russian with work experience
with advertising agencies and small businesses.
And also taught Chinese for more than 5 years.
  • Mr. Dee
 More than a decade of cybersecurity experience.
Code developer for intelligent contracts.
Technical support from Lucem-Project.
List of ISKRA Exchanges.
  • Pavel Jelnov
Doctor of Economics.
 Areas of interest include Political Economy, Economic Growth, Economic History and Family Economics. Also interested in aspects of institutional growth and growth.

AUTHOR: tom mudi121


Experts keep telling us about market expansion every day, but the truth is that right now market is not ready for any kind of expansion. For people, who have spent a lot of time within the cryptocurrency market everything is clear and obvious, so they do not experience any issues while using modern portals and exchanges. In the same time, for newbies and newcomers market is hell, where they are not able to understand a thing.

Of course, they should learn, but nobody cares about making learning process easy and intuitive, but new people are being scammed much more often. However, some of them do not have enough time to understand how the entire market works. In addition, it is clear that easiness of investments in cryptocurrency market is one of the most important ways of dealing with crisis, which is increasing almost every day.

Digital currency influencers and numerous other individuals everywhere throughout the web are starting to share distinctive awful anecdotes about how concentrated trades works in a similar degenerate way as any standard incorporated associations that groups an excessive amount of intensity and impact on the off chance that they are left unchecked.

The enormous riches and impact that incorporated trades gangs have prompted genuine deceptive demonstrations of market control and misuse that underscore precisely the reasons why decentralized trades are required now like never before.

A stunning data was uncovered by crypto Trader named Silvain Ribes, where he accepts that far above $3 billion of all crypto resources' volume are manufactured and incredible and that OKex, which is the main trade appraised by volume is the fundamental guilty party with up to 93% of its volume being phony.

What's more, another dealer calls attention to the irritating truth that the NASDAQ stock trade just charges beneath $200,000 for posting super organizations, while a great deal of brought together crypto trades are attempting to charge more than $500,000 in posting expenses.

Digital money influencers and numerous other individuals everywhere throughout the web are starting to share distinctive terrible tales about how concentrated trades works in a similar degenerate way as any ordinary brought together associations that groups an excessive amount of influence and impact in the event that they are left unchecked.

The Foundation's endeavors intend to make new systems that permit the utilization of digital money openings and create productive available resources of managing those out of luck.

The primary action of the Foundation is to aid the buy of therapeutic gear and meds for restorative revolves and emergency clinics around the globe.

The establishment must be decentralized! Decentralized social tasks and secure monetary forms are the way to a solid future.

The assets of the Foundation can not be utilized for the buy of weapons or promulgation. This establishment has one objective: Help youngsters.

ISKRA is a genuine open door for our general public to turn into a cutting edge society with social duty. Practically 50% of the world's jewels are prepared in Israel. With ISKRA, you have the extraordinary chance to put resources into the most dependable money related instruments. The cost of jewels is progressively steady and considerably stronger to calamities than the cost of gold! ISKRA isn't just a speculation yet additionally a deal. Deals you can not get on the off chance that he has not joined the Lucem venture. This implies independent companies and amateur dealers can join Elite Stockbroker Clubs. ISKRA does not simply help children.This is likewise a suitable venture vehicle to verify mysterious capital.



unwavering quality

Expanding on blockchain innovation and utilizing keen contracts

ISKRA is one of the most secure, most dependable and secure computerized monetary forms of things to come.


ISKRA has been structured as a digital currency that will enable you to make a monetary establishment for magnanimous establishments to help kids the world over.


In light of evaluations, we expect the estimation of ISKRA to proceed to increment and accept that ISKRA is the perfect speculation opportunity.

Lucem is a decentralized save to support kids. The Reserve's essential concern is to purchase and convey restorative gadgets and plans for youngsters around the globe. (Afterward, new exercises can be completed: squandered upkeep workplaces, desalination, efficient power vitality.) * The far reaching survey of stores, all books, lawful guidance, and coordination are given by Lucem and ISKRA Designers.


Kids need new techniques to get help.

The Lucem group sees the need to have any kind of effect

in tackling social issues of youngsters out of luck.

For philanthropy we can and should utilize this

new innovation.

Group Lucem was the first to see it

Chance to raise reserves

the way toward utilizing computerized innovation.


Lucem the expectation network

This establishment is a decentralized stage

where each client can propose a venture.

You choose who makes a difference.

Lucem utilizes the cryptographic money for this reason

Give to philanthropy.

precious stones

Practically 50% of the world's precious stones are prepared in Israel.

With ISKRA you have a one of a kind speculation opportunity

the most dependable money related instrument.

The cost of jewels is steady and significantly progressively impervious to calamities

from the gold cost!

ISKRA isn't just a speculation yet in addition a deal.

Deals that you can not get in the store in the event that he has not joined

Light venture.

This implies private ventures and novices will get it

First class Stock Brokerage Clubs beizutreten.

ISKRA does not simply support youngsters. This is additionally a beneficial venture

an instrument for putting away mysterious capital.

We need ISKRA not just protected

yet in addition beneficial!

Cost for calamity safe precious stones

what's more, more steady than gold!

With ISKRA you generally have the novel chance to exchange it for jewels, in light of the Rapaport value list and the GIA confirmation.

Also, that implies you generally have unadulterated costs without delegates: this recoveries somewhere in the range of 10 and half of the precious stones.

Presently, just enormous organizations on the stock trade have the chance to exchange with the Rapaport value list. This is a stockbroker.

Today this is our accomplice and the rundown will be stretched out to the entire world!

What makes ISKRA so exceptional?


Expanding on blockchain innovation and utilizing brilliant contracts

ISKRA is one of the most secure, most dependable and secure computerized monetary standards of things to come.


ISKRA has been structured as a cryptographic money that will enable you to make a monetary establishment for magnanimous establishments to help kids far and wide.


We gauge that the estimation of ISKRA will keep on expanding.

We thusly accept that ISKRA is a perfect venture opportunity.

Token distribution

road map

Our team
  • Dimitry Odintsov
idea giver
He has been CEO of PT since 2006
IT Support Company "APC Computer"
Since 2013, he has been involved in consulting and integrating blockchain technology in the Middle East.
  • Michael Tulchinsky
Since 2005 he is a specialist in the IT sector
 Outsourcing and technical solutions for
 big business.
  • Mikhail Grinfeld
Software Engineer Advisor
Software engineers with more than
decades of experience in the development and construction of complex systems.
  • Georgy Laskov
Experienced qualified person (group release), certified quality inspector and authorized person for pharmacovigilance. Qualified in quality assurance, quality audit, cGMP, GDP, SOP
  • Julia Margulis
tax consultant
Julia has been the Chief Account Manager of a major distribution company for 6 years.
  • Anastasia Avdonchenkova
Lawyer adviser
Over 10 years of experience in dealing with financial property and large investments.
Specialization in civil law, corporate law, securities markets and financial transactions.
He is a member of the internal control and finance committees of the Board of Directors.
  • Yulia dvoryadkina
language consultant
Professional translators for Chinese, English and Russian with work experience
with advertising agencies and small businesses.
And also taught Chinese for more than 5 years.
  • Mr. Dee
 More than a decade of cybersecurity experience.
Code developer for intelligent contracts.
Technical support from Lucem-Project.
List of ISKRA Exchanges.
  • Pavel Jelnov
Doctor of Economics.
 Areas of interest include Political Economy, Economic Growth, Economic History and Family Economics. Also interested in aspects of institutional growth and growth.

AUTHOR: tom mudi121

Monday, June 3, 2019


Building the new time development for future to make too about quality on decentralized framework , and developing of value on control the board of crowdfunding to make too with cutting edge and high control , so this makes all customer agreeable about quality on administrations ,still increment of framework decentralized to make also for control environment for all cooperation exchange on this stage so this is make developing for an incentive about this stage in future , and the development for network progressed toward becoming for contributing on this stage , usage with innovative to oversee biological system to set up so I think this is will make an assemble this stage too in future for giving the arrangement on oversee framework on decentralized to make too.

What precisely is COLLETRIX?

As portrayed above and as showed on the authority whitepaper of Colletrix, Colletrix is the blockchain venture to bind together the components of IP, blockchain and product to make new market esteem controlled by the world-driving savvy contract framework, Ethereum.

Furthermore, Colletrix is supported by a gifted group from UNDONE, Animoca Brands, Future Arena and Bitwork Accelerator. Fixed will carry its marketing ability to exhibit the advantages of blockchain innovation for product items, Animoca Brands will present its immense system of IP proprietors and blockchain and gamification advances, while Future Arena will use its solid arrangement of games and diversion IPs – all to make an energetic environment of IP creation, exchanging and physical promoting utilizing blockchain innovation.


Set up in 2014, UNDONE is the world's driving custom watch name established by a group of committed watch industry veterans. With long stretches of mastery in extravagance watch customization, UNDONE has completely aced the specialty of redoing one of a kind watches with their very own plan, just as making watches interesting to their clients. Having constructed a strong and solid establishment in the watch business, UNDONE is prepared to bring the entire business into another time with the cutting-forefront improvement of blockchain innovation.

Animoca Brands

Animoca Brands (ASX: AB1) use gamification, blockchain, and man-made brainpower innovations to create and distribute a wide arrangement of portable items including recreations, for example, The Sandbox, Crazy Kings, and Crazy Defense Heroes just as items dependent on well known scholarly properties, for example, Garfield, Snoopy, Thomas and Friends™, Ever After High and Doraemon. Animoca Brands is the selective China merchant of CryptoKitties. The Company is situated in Hong Kong, Canada, Finland, and Argentina.

Future Arena

Future Arena is a computerized pioneer in games IP advancement and commercialization, developing games IP fanbases and spanning sports brands with their IP accomplices' huge Chinese fanbase. Their objectives are creating IP, making plans of action and sharing benefit together with the IP proprietors, including the UEFA Champion League, La Liga, Manchester City, AC Milan, Real Madrid, Schalke 04, Filippo Inzaghi, Claudio Marchisio, Graziano Pelle and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Future Arena is additionally the selective accomplice in Asia with Wyscout, the world's greatest advanced football video information exploring stage, helping Asian expert football groups, clubs and institutes on improving group execution and exploring effectiveness.

Bitwork Accelerator

Bitwork Accelerator is a program for blockchain organizations all things considered and coordinates a wide range of explicit assets in the private and open parts. It dedicates itself to giving corporate dimension blockchain business arrangements and speeding up. Bitwork Accelerator will concentrate on each edge to enable businesses to find the deficiencies in the regular monetary model, look for new chances and make new financial models with blockchain innovation.

How it functions?

Colletrix utilizes blockchain innovation to secure licensed innovation (IP) makers and check the legitimacy of product collectibles.

Unique IP makers normally miss out when their IP gets exchanged or sold. Buyers still need to confirm collectibles they purchase utilizing antiquated techniques.

Colletrix gifts specialists the ability to tokenize their IP into an advanced resource, enabling them to all the more likely secure their IP each time the token is exchanged. Shoppers can confirm the genuineness of their collectibles by means of token data put away on the blockchain.

IP Creators

Get their work tokenized as an advanced resource, and ensured on the blockchain. They can follow every clearance of their IP token and win permitting expenses from every deal for interminability.


Confirm that their collectible is genuine, and bolster their specialists by means of exchanging of their tokens on the Colletrix Marketplace.


The capacity to make more business open doors through working intimately with IP proprietors. Merchandisers can likewise attract more clients from the craftsman and crypto-gaming networks.

About The CIPX Tokenomics

Colletrix will be issuing its own one of a kind environment ERC-20 token, the Colletrix Token ("CIPX"). Utilizations include:

Crypto-selective uncommon version product acquiring

Commercial center exchanging

NFT need buying

Stage installment


Colletrix utilizes the ERC-721 convention for its non-fungible token (NFT). Each NFT speaks to a one of a kind IP. The ERC-721 tokens are obvious on the Ethereum blockchain, one of the biggest open chains on the planet.


Blockchain is a cryptographic tech arrangement with low costs, high security, decentralization and no trust included. With NFT data and exchange records unchanging and straightforward on the blockchain, everybody can unreservedly follow information and rest guaranteed realizing they are untampered with.

Ethereum Smart Contract

The Ethereum blockchain empowers keen contracts, which can store significant data about a computerized resource just as permit programmed executions dependent on the off chance that conditions coded into the agreement. With keen contracts, we can set cutoff points on the occasions an IP NFT can be made into product, and furthermore guarantee that unique IP proprietors get a permitting charge from each NFT exchange.

Token Details
Name Token: Colletrix
Symbol: CIPX
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC721
Token Sale Details
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AUTHOR: walesodiya